WebEngage and InfoAxon partner with Reliance General Insurance to accelerate its digital journey

Summary - Reliance General Insurance partners with WebEngage and InfoAxon to improve customer engagement through digital tools and personalized experiences. This collaboration aims to provide a seamless omnichannel experience for customers, agents, and partners, ultimately solidifying RGI's leadership in digital insurance.

WebEngage and InfoAxon partner with Reliance General Insurance to accelerate its digital journey

Reliance General Insurance (RGI) has partnered with WebEngage and InfoAxon to improve its customer engagement strategy and deliver a seamless omnichannel experience for customers, agents and partners. This partnership will equip RGI with digital tools to provide hyper-personalised customer experiences.

WebEngage is a MarTech leader and InfoAxon is a Digital Transformation Solutions provider for the BFSI industry. This collaboration aims to leverage WebEngage's experience in the BFSI sector and InfoAxon's Digital Insurance Stack to achieve RGI's digital transformation goals.

Here are the key takeaways from the partnership:

Improved customer engagement: RGI will benefit from WebEngage's customer data platform (CDP) and AI-powered personalisation engine to better understand its customers and deliver personalized experiences across channels.

Seamless omnichannel experience:  The partnership will help RGI provide a consistent experience for customers, agents and partners across all touchpoints.

Digital transformation: InfoAxon's Digital Insurance Stack will accelerate RGI's digital transformation journey by facilitating faster product launches, maximizing digital distribution opportunities, and delivering engaging omnichannel experiences.

Leadership in digital insurance: This partnership will help RGI solidify its leadership position in the digital insurance space.

Overall, this collaboration between WebEngage, InfoAxon and RGI signifies a commitment to innovation and personalized customer experiences in the insurance industry. The focus is to shift digital engagement from transactional to intentional, building trust and supporting RGI's business growth.