Argha Patra: From Adversity to Success in Real Estate and Interior Design

Argha Patra receives the Bharat Business Award for Best Startup in Real Estate & Interior Designing.

Argha Patra: From Adversity to Success in Real Estate and Interior Design

Kolkata-based entrepreneur Argha Patra, 33, has transformed challenges into opportunities, carving a remarkable journey in real estate and interior design. After earning a Science degree and working across various sectors, a kidney operation prompted an unexpected career shift.

Starting with limited resources and industry knowledge, Argha faced significant hurdles, including a lack of customers and funding. However, his determination and problem-solving skills helped him overcome these obstacles. Through continuous learning and a customer-focused approach, he gradually built a strong presence in the market.

Argha’s journey highlights the importance of dedication, a focused mindset, and understanding customer needs. Today, he is committed to expanding his business, fostering client relationships, and embracing collaboration to achieve greater success.