Ego slaps through time: Preparing to be humbled by AIs

Humanity has long considered itself the pinnacle of creation, a belief that has deeply influenced our collective ego. This perceived superiority has historically manifested in various beliefs, including the notion that humans lack common ancestors with other creatures, the geocentric theory, and the idea that Earth and its life forms exist for human enjoyment. Scientific advancements have often disproved these theories, but such revelations were met with resistance, rooted in a denial of the blow to humanity’s ego. Despite resistance, truth inevitably prevails.

Ego slaps through time: Preparing to be humbled by AIs

The Flat Earth Theory

Early civilizations believed in a flat Earth, positioning themselves at its most important, central part. This belief faced significant challenge and eventual disproof from mathematicians like Pythagoras and Aristotle, and explorers like Ferdinand Magellan. While ridicule and skepticism were common responses, formal punishments diminished as understanding evolved through exploration.

 The Anthropocentric Universe

The Ptolemaic system placed humans at the center of the universe, a belief that Galileo and Kepler overturned by supporting the heliocentric model. Galileo faced severe punishment for his support of heliocentrism, including trial by the Inquisition, forced recantation, and house arrest until his death. His treatment highlights the intense resistance to theories challenging human centrality.

 Spontaneous Generation and Life Sciences

The widely accepted idea that life could arise from non-living matter, such as maggots from meat, was disproved by Louis Pasteur’s experiments. Demonstrating that life arises from existing life led to germ theory development. Despite significant skepticism and resistance, Pasteur's work laid foundational principles for modern biology and medicine.

 Human Races and Superiority

Beliefs in the inherent superiority of certain human races were debunked by modern genetics and anthropology, which showed all humans share common ancestry. Challengers of racial superiority, such as abolitionists and civil rights activists, faced severe social and legal punishments, including imprisonment, violence, and ostracism. However, the scientific evidence has gradually led to broader acceptance of racial equality.

 Continental Immobility and Geological Time

The belief in fixed continents was disproved by the theory of plate tectonics, revealing Earth's dynamic crust. Early proponents like Alfred Wegener faced professional ridicule. Similarly, the belief in a young Earth was challenged by geology and radiometric dating, proving Earth’s age to be approximately 4.5 billion years. While figures like Charles Lyell faced opposition, their theories gained acceptance as scientific evidence mounted.


As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, it evokes both awe and apprehension. Capable of processing vast data, learning rapidly, and performing complex tasks accurately, AI is poised to outperform humans in many domains. This development challenges the long-held belief in human superiority, echoing historical resistance to ego-slapping theories. The rise of AI reiterates the humbling fact that humans may not be the pinnacle of intelligence after all. The widespread resistance to AI reflects a deeper struggle with our self-perception and the acceptance of new paradigms in intelligence and capability.